
Importance of Peepal tree in Indian culture | Ashvattha Tree | Artha

2019-02-05 6 Dailymotion

Vedas refer to it as Ashvatta - the shade that provides rest for the divine horse and Tamilians call it the Arasa Maram i.e. the King of trees. Bodhi, Pimppala, Sacred fig or Peepul tree, just like the different names the significances are also varied. Be it Hindu traditions, Buddhist beliefs or the Ayurvedic remedies, this tree holds great importance in every culture. Watch this video to know the importance of one of the holiest trees in India.

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1 Peepal tree is the first known depicted tree in India as discovered on a seal at Mohenjodaro, the ancient city from the Indus Valley Civilization.

2 Peepal tree has acquired social and religious sanctity with the passage of time.

3 Peepal tree is considered dear to Lord Vishnu.

4 According to Hindu Pauranas, Lord Vishnu turned into a Peepal tree after being cursed by Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva.

5 Peepal is customarily believed to be the abode of the Goddess Lakshmi. It also has the ability to form a link between earth and heaven.

6 This tree is associated with spiritual understanding as it is believed that the Gods are said to hold their councils under this tree.

7 Peepal is the tree that sheltered Mata Sita. Upon it Lord Hanuman sat and saw all the miseries of Mata Sita. Hence Peepal has a special place in the heart of Lord Hanuman.

8 Peepal tree is sacred to Buddhists, as the Lord Buddha meditated under it for gaining supreme realization.

9 Peepal tree is worshiped in Jainism for its association with ‘Tirthankara Anantanatha’.

10 As per specific directions for the plantation of sacred trees mentioned in the Vrksa Ayurveda, a Peepal should be planted in the western side of the house.

11 Peepal tree is worshiped especially in the month of Kartika (October-November).

12 The wood of the sacred tree Peepal is never used as fuel as it invites the wrath of Gods, but it is employed in other ways like sacrificial rites and ceremonies.

13 Women circumambulate the Peepal tree to be blessed with children or to gain a desired thing or person.

14 To plant a Peepal or some other sacred tree at a holy place or on the roadside continues to be regarded by the Hindus as an act of virtue.

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